Cuba meets rigorous immigration agreements with the United States – Avileña Television


The Cuban government is strictly adhering to the immigration agreements signed with the United States, said Yuri Gala López, Director of Bilateral Issues at the US General Directorate. In a conversation with the Cuban news agency, Gala Lopez reiterated that the West Indies is following the commitments on immigration issues agreed with the US government, the latest of them a statement. initialed on January 12, 2017.

Since the first of the agreements, in December 1984, until today, the two countries have badumed obligations that the island has systematically honored, even in Difficult circumstances of bilateral relations,

In review, one and a half years after what had been agreed in January 2017, the official stressed the important contribution of the joint statement to discourage irregular migration, in which the United States have repressed the policy of dry feet. wet feet, as well as the program of conditional release of Cuban health professionals in third countries.

According to the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), since January 12 of the latest calendar this nation has adopted measures that have resulted in a significant reduction in irregular or illegal migration, as is also known.

by ACN, they corroborate the deterrent effect of the Joint Declaration and the substantial decrease in irregular migrants in this nation: during the fiscal year 2016 – in the United States. the first of October of the previous year began – 41,523 Cuban citizens arrived at the border crossings of this country with Mexico; in 2017, they decreased to 15 000 410 and until June 30 last they have barely exceeded 700.

The information published by the local media in the United States and quoting the US Coast Guard, underline the Increased rigor to prevent the arrival of rafters on the shores of this nation.

A South Florida news channel reported last April that only 144 Cubans had tried illegally entering the sea since October 1, 2017; compared to the 951 miles detected in the previous tax calendar

Gala López commented that the island has periodically received inadmissible calls – those who, after January 12, 2017, tried to enter or stay illegally in the USA. Always in accordance with the provisions of international laws and regulations and following the accelerated mechanisms between the institutions of both governments.

However, the normalization of bilateral migration relations is a complex issue because for decades the Nordic country has applied prejudicial and selective measures as a political instrument of destabilization of the island.

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