Cuba receives Gilberto Santa Rosa with joy


Gilberto Santa Rosa already shares with Cubans

Havana, Cuba. – The Puerto Rican singer Gilberto Santa Rosa arrived in Cuba on Friday, where he will give two concerts, on the occasion of his tour 40 and Contando with which he celebrates four decades of musical career.

The first presentation of the Puerto Rican is scheduled for this Saturday at Josone Varadero Jazz & Salsa Festival, an appointment that takes place since Thursday in this famous Cuban spa.

Santa Rosa presides over the event's poster with other prestigious foreign and local musicians, including Salvadoran singer-songwriter Álvaro Torres, American jazzman Nicholas Payton and Cuban Gente of Zona, the pianist Alejandro Falcón and the legendary group rumbera Los Muñequitos de Matanzas

Two days later The Caballero of the Salsa as well as he knows the singer, he will perform in Havana, in a single concert scheduled for 21:00 local time on the Malecón de Havana.

The interpreter of success as Living without it and Someone said and winner of several Latin Grammy awards has many followers on the island, and worked with local artists Descemer Bueno, El Micha and Candido Fabré

From Cubadebate

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