Cuba saved 2.5 kilometers of beach in Varadero in the last 5 years


Cuba's tourism authorities have managed to save in the last five years about 2.5 kilometers of beach belonging to the famous resort of Varadero, the country's leading tourist hub, informed the state ACN.

According to an agency report published this week, the beach rescue was intended to facilitate the positioning of the pole on the world market, while avoiding further damage to the ecological system of the territory after the pbadage of Hurricane Irma in September of last year.

Katia González Rodríguez, director of the Matanzas Environmental Services Center, explained that the "technological package" designed for this coastal zone has made it possible to control the erosion of the dune, in addition to defining guidelines for the environment. Hygiene, infrastructure and services.

From 2013 to 2017, said the official, the territory authorities demolished about 35 infrastructure that were harmful to the dynamics of the ecosystem, and about 600 cubic meters of invasive plants were eliminated, in favor of native vegetation.

During the same period, an area equivalent to 105,459 square meters of beach was saved, using a volume of 53,530 cubic meters of dry sand, not belonging to submerged areas or to the sea. outside the peninsula of Hicacos.

González explained that, thanks to the good response of the rehabilitated areas, it has not been necessary to dump new sand in the last five years. This has reduced the costs of importing a service with draggers and also reduced by 60% the maintenance costs of critical areas.

The director of the Center for Environmental Services also recalled that Varadero gained worldwide recognition as the recent Travelers' Choice Award 2018 which cataloged the spa as the third best beach in the world. world.

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