Cuba wants to improve the tourist infrastructure of the keys


Cuba wants to continue to promote tourism and to this end it wants to improve and develop the tourist infrastructure in the paradisiacal keys of the archipelago of Jardines del Rey, where in 2017 we has built 4,890 rooms, which increases to 10,572 rooms available in 17 hotels

However, the tourist growth brings with it to not lose sight of the sustainable development and consequently in the keys Santa María Las Brujas and Ensenachos (north of the central province of Villa Clara) a desalination plant is being built with four modules designed to purify the water through to the reverse osmosis system at maximum capacity, it is expected that they will contribute 50 liters per second.

Frank Oltusky, vice president of Grupo Gaviota, recently highlighted the Chinese media CGTN [1945900] 7] that "at this plant, will be added another year with the same capacity, which will allow the 39, purification of 100 liters of water per second, in addition to the 140 liters per second pumped from the continent and which will ensure total security of supply in the area "

The recent International Fair Tourism (FITCuba) that took place in Cayo Santa María, highlighted the importance of the cays in Cuba's commitment to tourism.

The goal is that hotel hotels have the ability to generate a third more of the necessary electrical energy, which is a guarantee for the operation of hotels (the networks are underground ).

In the cays, there are currently five sewage treatment plants for residues generated in the hotels, ie about 20,000 to 30,000 cubic meters of sewage per month, which are used in the garden. . After being treated.

Between 2018 and 2019 it is planned to open the hotels Paradisus Los Cayos (802 rooms with five-star category) and Angsana Cayo Santa María (252 capacities) [19659002] In the projections of the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) of the island for 2020 is the construction of hotels La ​​Salina Noreste (633 rooms) and La ​​Salina Suroeste (621 rooms).

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