Cuban Afro-descendants celebrate their day with a debate about the gaps


Group of Experts convened to celebrate July 25, Afro-descendant, Afro-Latin American and Afro-Caribbean Day

Photo: IPS_Cuba

Havana, July 21 . Investigate, articulate and mobilize to achieve policies that overcome inequities caused by race and gender in current Cuban society, at a meeting on July 25, Afro-Latin American, Afro-Latin American Women's Day and Afro-Caribbean

. the Cuban Non-Governmental Association of United Nations (UNA), the Cuban Program of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (Flacso) and the United Nations System (UNS) in Cuba, a group of experts reported research findings revealing gaps for Cuban women blacks and mestizos in health, education and the media that are exacerbated in rural areas.

María Machicado, Fon representative as coordinator of the UN's Interagency Group on Gender Equality, stressed that "of the system, we want to make sure that we keep our eyes on all groups, that there is information and that we can discuss "

Machicado referred to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which advocate" that no one be left behind, no woman , no girl, no person or person of African descent. "

Atlas of Childhood and Adolescence, published by Flacso with the support of Unicef, showed a Concentration of single mothers in black women and an increase in some skin color gaps in some parts of the country, said Marta Rosa Muñoz, director of Flacso's Cuba program

photo: IPS_Cuba

What science says

A Cu ba, said Marta Rosa Muñoz, director of the Flacso Cuba program, with the implementation of the reform program) and the national development plan for 2030, this problem is becoming increasingly visible in the academic context and public debate .

Although the education and employment indicators of They find significant gaps, if disadvantages occur in black-skinned population groups, says Muñoz.

The Atlas of Childhood and Adolescence, published by Flacso with the support of Unicef, shows a concentration of single mothers among women "The call is to continue to internalize, to seek information and to reveal what these surveys launch and to put them in dialogue with what is happening in the national context ", he stressed and considered as a challenge to achieve greater

In an badysis on the higher education and color of the pi the teacher and researcher Yulexis Almeida drew attention to the need for actions to achieve permanence and the graduation of historically unrepresented higher education groups at this level of education

Emphasized the urgency of statistical information on the processes of inclusion through these alternative pathways , since its lack prevents to verify the impact of s policies and adjustments relevant to the output and inclusion in the scope of work.

The meeting was organized by the Cuban Non-Governmental Association of the United Nations (UNHCR), the Cuban Program of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (Flacso) and the United Nations System (UNS) in Cuba.

Photo: IPS_Cuba

From Various Fields

Health Problems and Social Conditions were Addressed by Zoe Díaz of the Network on Gender and Collective Health

Díaz a recommended to incorporate the perspective It also proposes "that this perspective converges with different characteristics of the population".

"The combination of non-white rural women continues to be effective in the badysis of the health situation, with a community and intersectoral approach.

A space of claim emerge in health policy What do we leave then for the multiple possible combinations, as a non-white rural trans woman or a non-white rural bad woman, "she cited as an example

. social and health policies, that under the mantle of universality undertake specific actions for different sub-populations.

For Diaz, it is essential to present a counter-hegemonic vision for the good health of women in Cuba, highlighting the potential of the social determination of health to generate policies that confront the point of view of young researcher Ileana Núñez, from the F Nicolás Guillén, focused on the opportunities and challenges of community socio-cultural work for the reduction of racial inequalities and gender equality

. The construction of life stories of black and mestizo characters in Cuban-made TV movies was the badysis of Lisandra Torres, of the Social Research Center of the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television

The singer and composer Magia López, from the Obsesión group, shared the text of one of her rap creations, "Me afroconozco", where he claims his identity, defends his belonging and calls for a greater presence of the problem of discrimination. racial in education and social debate. (2018)

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