Cuban deputies begin the study of constitutional reform | news


The National Assembly of the People's Power of Cuba has begun work and study meetings of the Renewal Project of the Constitution of the Republic on Wednesday, which will last until Friday, July 20.

Ten standing working committees of the National Assembly devoted the first meeting to discuss plans of activities for the second half of this year.

There are 33 deputies representing the different sectors of Cuban society, those selected and approved to join the Commission responsible for the preparation of this project of 224 articles

Why does Cuba initiate the process a constitutional reform ?

The purpose of these changes is to adapt the Magna Carta to the new social and economic reality of the Caribbean country, but without changing the current political system.

This reform continues in the direction indicated by Raúl Castro Ruz on September 28 nero of 2012 at the First National Conference of the Communist Party of Cuba: "it is necessary to give up the ballast of the old mentality and to forge with transformative intentionality and many of political sensitivity the vision towards the present and the future of the Fatherland, without giving up, for a moment, the Martian heritage and the doctrine of Marxism-Leninism which constitute the main ideological base of our revolutionary process. "

project reaffirms the socialist character of the Cuban political, economic and social system, as well as the leading role of the Party What are the laws that change the communism of Cuba as the leading force of society and the state

Anproject consists of a preamble and 224 articles, divided into 11 titles, 24 chapters and 16 sections.

Here are some of the points of the project:

The promotion of sustainable development that ensures individual and collective prosperity, strive for higher levels of equity and of social justice, as well as to preserve and multiply the achievements of the Revolution.

To ensure that the organs of the State, its directors, officers and employees, respect and badist the people

With respect to international relations are constitutionally ratified the principles underlying its foreign policy , incorporating others not included in the current text, including the promotion of respect for international law and multipolarity among States; the repudiation of all forms of terrorism, especially state terrorism; the rejection of proliferation and the use of nuclear weapons, mbad extermination or other similar effects; protection and conservation of the environment and the fight against climate change, as well as the democratization of cyberspace and condemns its use for subversive and destabilizing purposes of sovereign nations.

The economic system that reflects socialist property as essential principles of all people on the basic means of production and planning as a major component of management.

Addition of recognition of the role of the market and new forms of ownership, including private, in correspondence with the conceptualization of the Cuban economic model and social-socialist development and the Guidelines for the Party's Economic and Social Policy and of the Revolution, resulting from the consultation of broad sectors of society.

The state enterprise stands out as the main subject of the national economy and is recognized its autonomy as an essential operating principle.

Asimis or constitutionally ratifies the importance of foreign investment for the economic development of the country, with the necessary guarantees.

With regard to private land ownership, a special regime is maintained, with limitations to its transmission and the preferential right of

With regard to citizenship, it is proposed to affiliate with the principle effective citizenship consisting in that "Cuban citizens, on the national territory, are governed by this condition and can not use foreign citizenship."

The personality of the President and Vice President of the Republic is established [19659002] The president occupies the post of head of state, is elected by the National Assembly of People's Power, among his deputies, for a five-year term. and can occupy this position up to two consecutive terms, after which he can no longer fulfill it.

The Council of Ministers It retains its status as the highest executive and administrative body, constitutes the Government of the Republic and will be placed under the direction of a Prime Minister, a position he has in office. intention to create.

The document will be discussed in the National People's Assembly until 20 of this month, if approved later, it will be submitted to the Cuban people, the main architect of this process.

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