Cuban deputies continue the study of the draft Constitution


After the two days devoted to the individual reading of the Draft Constitution, the working committees of the National Assembly of People's Power will meet this Friday in three groups to continue the study of the document and clarify the doubts. 19659002] In each of these meetings, members of the Temporary Committee on Constitutional Reform and a group of advisers will participate, with the aim of continuing to deepen the knowledge of the draft to be debated during the regular period of the sessions which begin . Next Saturday

Cuban deputies, meeting in the permanent working committees of the National Assembly of People's Power, began last Wednesday the individual study of the draft constitutional reform, after the text and the foundation corresponding were submitted

 Photo: Tony Hernandez Mena Photo: Tony Hern Andez Mena

It is expected that the bill, aimed at achieving a total reform of the Magna Carta in force since 1976, receives in this capital the approval of the deputies, which would lead to a popular consultation, before the referendum call for the approval or not of the inhabitants of the 39; island.

On June 2, at the First Extraordinary Session of the Ninth Legislature of the National Assembly, a commission of 33 deputies was appointed by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Raúl Castro, to prepare document

The proposed new Constitution includes a preamble and 224 articles, divided into 11 titles, 24 chapters and 16 sections, and maintains the basics of the politicians of the socialist and revolutionary state, in keeping with what has been advanced by Raul Castro himself and the country's president, Miguel Diaz-Canel.

The President insisted in June that the statements of the Magna Carta will take into account the principles of humanist and social justice prevailing in the Greater Antilles, as well as the irreversibility of the socialist system adopted by the people in question. 2002 during the last reform

. ] # ConsituciónCuba is consistent with the ideas of @RaulCastroR and proposes "to leave behind the ballast of the old mentality and to forge with transformative intentions and a lot of political sensitivity the vision towards the present and the future of Patria " #Cuba @AsambleaCuba

– Radio Rebelde – Cuba (@radiorebeldecu) July 19, 2018

Source., Prensa Latina

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