Cuban Deputy Minister of Public Health holds a successful visit to South Africa


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South Africa, Cuba, Camagüey, Public Health, Medical Collaboration, Cape Town

Pretoria, July 19 .- Cuban Deputy Minister of Public Health, Alfredo González, today meets with the South African chief of this portfolio, Aaron Motsoaledi, a meeting during which they will discuss the medical collaboration between the two countries and its possible expansion.

In conversation with Prensa Latina, the Cuban official at the time was reiterated the good progress of relations in the health sector, which approve of strong political links.

The Deputy Minister met yesterday with Vice Chancellor Lluwellyn Landers and the Minister of the Presidency in charge of Planning and Evaluation, Nkosozana Dlamini Zuma.

At both meetings, he said, close relations of friendship and cooperation between the two states and post Gonzalez began his visit to South Africa Sunday in Cape Town, where he attended the graduation of 57 South African doctors who studied in the Caribbean island, as part of a health development program. collaboration encouraged by the missing presidents Nelson Mandela and Fidel Castro.

As part of this idea, the training program for doctors from South Africa to Cuba was born, supported by agreements in this regard between the health ministries of both countries. 1996.

Since then, young people from this nation of southern Africa have gradually joined Cuban medical universities for five years of study, after which they return to South Africa to complete the last year of their career.

The program, which started in 1997-98 with about 30 students a year, was considerably expanded in 2012 thanks to a new bilateral agreement. [196] 59009] In this regard, the official noted that currently 2,800 South African young people are studying medicine in Cuba and that 703 of them have recently returned to this country to complete their training period. , linked to local universities.

Speaking at the graduation ceremony of the 57 doctors from Cape Town, the deputy minister said that during his stay in Cuba, all South African students, as well as those from 120 other countries, have received training on teaching scenarios. Education at Work

This concept, he said, pursues the goal of strong professional training and realizes the engagement of these students with their social values ​​people humanists, ethicists and revolutionaries, who correspond to the requirements they have before them the doctors of the 21st century.

This is a reflection of the deep bonds of friendship, solidarity and cooperation. Among the governments and peoples of Cuba and South Africa, he said

. This program, adds González, is a source of pride for members of the faculty of Cuban universities for having contributed to the training of health professionals in Cuba. Sister South Africa

After his interview this Thursday with Minister Motsoaledi, González will hold a meeting with Cuban doctors who provide services in Gauteng Province. (Text and photo: PL)


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