Cuban Eastern Hospitality Strengthens Its Quality Levels


July 15, 2018, 01:37 Havana, July 15 (Prensa Latina) Hospitality in the eastern region of Cuba seeks to strengthen the quality and provide significant examples that benefit the satisfaction of its guests, coming from all over the world

Bayamo, the capital of Granma province, is one of the most recent examples in that, for the third time, the Royalton Hotel has received the status of Quality Leader Collective.

It is awarded jointly by the Ministry of Tourism of Cuba (Mintur) and the Industrial Association.

The installation belongs to the trademark E (Encanto) and is operated by the Cuban hotel chain Islazul (located in the historic center of this city.

The Royalton has had news this week because of this price, since it is the only establishment in eastern Cuba that has such a distinction.

To receive it, it had to rank the hotel as exceptional in terms of satisfaction

A report from the Cuban News Agency (ACN) abounds with information about the Royalton, when he even explained that chef Antonio González of this hotel also deserved this award in the individual category. [19659003] The Secretary General of the National Union of Hotel and Tourism Workers, Víctor Lemagne, emphasized the merits of maintaining this condition as proof that the Royalton workers are encouraged by the desire to see them. go from the front

the achievements of the hotel complex of Islazul in Granma, which has earned the recognition "Por las Sendas del Triunfo", tourism engine.

For his part, the director of Royalton, José Ignacio Pineda, said that providing services to tourism, the hotel has 26 workers and has 33 rooms, a restaurant, a bar and a terrace bar.

He specified that Germany, Holland, the United Kingdom nest, France and Italy are among the leading countries issuing visitors, whose property dates from 1942.

the main attractions of the Royalton is its privileged location, very close to the institutions and emblematic places of Bayamo. [19659003Lesendroitslesplusvisitésprèsdel'hôtelsontlesplacesdelaRévolutionetl'hymnenationallecentrederecherchehistoriqueCasadelaNacionalidadCubanaetlemuséeCasaNataldeCarlosManueldeCéspedes(PèredelaNation)[19659003] Many travelers arrive in Granma and especially in Bayamo for holidays related to the cultural and historical interests and traditions of this region of the archipelago.

pgh / rfc

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