Cuban journalist denounces censorship of a publishing house in Villa Clara


Cuban journalist Maykel González Vivero who had more disagreement with the ruling party on the island, denounced Tuesday afternoon, on his Facebook profile, the censorship of his book Before Havana. The Voyage to the United States, a translation of one of the travel chronicles of the Countess of Merlin in this case the one that sums up her pbadage through the territory North American. 19659002] We must keep in mind that it is a text that was published in French, in 1840, which does not have a Spanish translation, because in Cuba it does not exist. Was published only Viaje to La Habana. [19659002] The publishing house Villa Clara Sed de Belleza, with which González Vivero had already signed a contract dating from 2017, reportedly refused to go ahead with the publication, and he was also informed that his compilation of chronicles A Gentleman of the Nineteenth Century will not be published either

Maykel badures that, according to the explanations of the editorial director, for "Unknown" reasons, State Security would have prevented the publication conclusion of the volumes, texts completely harmless because they refer to the nineteenth century, even in a case like this, where the person who has carried out the translation and editing of the text is not to the taste of the Cuban government.

reporter sued the editor for breach of contract, which is currently ongoing.

In October 2016, while was reporting from Baracoa (Guantanamo) after the pbadage of Hurricane "Matthew" across this territory, Maykel González was imprisoned and her computer, her camera and other personal items were confiscated.

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