Cuban jumper Juan Miguel Echevarría will participate this Thursday at the Guadalajara meeting


Several leading figures of Cuban athletics will participate next Thursday at the Guadalajara meeting in Spain. The group will be led by the great jumper Juan Miguel Echevarría, the world's inner monarch in 2018.

Echevarría, 19, just scored last weekend the best mark of the year, with 8.68 meters and thus reaffirming himself at the top of the specialty's orb ranking, in front of South African Luvo Manyonga, outdoor universal king in 2017.

Similarly, the program will become a new option for the young Camagüey to impose a new national level. The domination of the island is ensured by Iván Pedroso Soler (8.71), Olympic leader in 2000 and multiple world champion.

Denia Caballero and Yaimé Pérez, Roger Valentín (110 with hurdles), Yoandys Lescay (400) and Rose Mary Almanza (800 m), according to information on the digital page of Radio Habana Cuba.

The news added that Olympic champions Javier Sotomayor, Alberto Juantorena and Yipsi Moreno will be invited to the fair. .

Cuban athletics is ready for the Central American and Caribbean Games of Barranquilla. The goal of this sport is to reach fifteen titles, a price that would be much lower than what had been achieved in Veracriz-2014, when 23 gold medals were obtained.

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