Cuban minister praises confrontation with fire at hospital


Havana, July 17 (Prensa Latina) Roberto Morales, Cuban Minister of Public Health, described as "very good" cooperation in the extinction of a fire recorded today in the National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology, in this capital, without fatal victims.
"The response of workers of the Complete Emergency Medical System, the Fire Department and all those who, in one way or another, were immediately integrated to suppress the flames , was very good, "Morales told Prensa Latina.

The fire arose in a ground floor area in the waste treatment area, and the smoke forced the evacuees to be evacuated to this block, he reported. from the health center it was necessary to evacuate 108 patients, while another group was transferred to neighboring hospitals such as Manuel Fajardo and the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery

There stressed that along with the investigation of the causes of the accident According to specialists from the Ministry of the Interior, its portfolio guarantees the continuity of hospital care.

"We immediately consider all recovery efforts and revitalization of all hospitals. "The institution's services, which also has important national commissions," he said, visiting the halls and talking to patients.

According to Morales, it is possible that all the halls do not immediately find their vitality, some patients at other hospitals such as Hermanos Ameijeiras, where the continuity of all treatments is guaranteed.

"Especially, what was planned for tomorrow from the point of view of chemotherapy , surgical activity and continuity is also badured. "

The Minister insisted that the Cuban health system now has the challenge of" recovering all the vitality of the institution, starting with this emergency care service, which He hosted a group of patients as part of the relocation process of evacuated patients. "

The doctor pointed out that gradually his era basket aspires to achieve in the more bre Fs delays the transfer of each patient and their families to the areas and services from where they came.

"Our mind is that regardless of the badignment caused by fire, the institution better than before," concluded the chief of public health in the largest island of

In addition to the owner, the first vice president of state councils and ministers, Salvador Valdes Mesa, appeared at the hospital, the first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in the province of Havana, Luis Antonio Torres Iribar, and the president of the Provincial Assembly of People's Power in this territory, Reinaldo García Zapata

agp / jpm

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