Ricardo Jesús Pupo Reyes is physically disabled, he has five children in his care, and the Cuban authorities do not leave him alone. He is self-employed, with all his documents in order, but Reyes keeps harbading him, imposing fines on him, "making things difficult for him".
Speaking to CubanNet, this 42-year-old man who earns his living as a street vendor said, "All I want is that they let me work, I do not want the state to give anything, I do not want to be a burden to anyone … If all my documents are in order, I do not understand why they are harbading me. "
Apparently, the Integral Supervision Department (DIS) wants to take advantage of Reyes' work, as they do with most account holders in Cuba." Extortion is a more and more annoying and painful reality
Ricardo, who works in the field of Lisa, said: "I do not understand how it can be possible that if the Ministry of Labor allows me to be in this area and flexible with me for that I can exercise my self-employed activity for my disability, so the inspectors tell me that they are not interested in this letter, which for them is not valid. As if we were talking about two institutions from different countries. "
The DIS authorities told Ricardo that he could not be located anywhere on the 51st avenue of his municipality, and although he complained in several instances of the Government, received no response.
Despite their licenses, they were able to impose fines of up to 700 pesos, an amount that may take work to earn in a whole month.
His condition of physical disability does not limit his desire to work: "I do not want to ask for alms, I do not want them to support me, what I want they are letting me work, "she says.
A source from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security who chose to remain anonymous told CubaNet:" What they do is a lack of respect, they (DIS) violate a completely legal provision.We are authorized to authorize Ricardo and any other person e disabled who has a self-employed license to perform activities that are not permitted to those who are not physically incapable. He has all the rights to claim. "
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