Cuban President calls for a cure for hurricane and rain damage


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Camagüey, Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, Díaz-Canel, Travel, Recovery, Hurricane, Rains

Sancti Spíritus, Jul 7.- With the premise that all Miguel Diaz- Canel Bermúdez, president of state councils and ministers, urged the authorities to continue recovering the damage caused by hurricane Irma and heavy rains

. detained, said Diaz-Canel Bermúdez at a meeting with managers of the province of Sancti Spíritus, which held on Friday, at the end of a tour of several municipalities; he stressed the urgency of taking into account each of the experiences encountered in these phenomena.

He pointed out that the heavy rains of last May, which caused considerable affections in the roads, housing and agriculture of this central territory, they are also related to the problems of climate change and are an event as complex as a hurricane, but with peculiarities that require a different work dynamic.

In agricultural processes, we must introduce a different thinking and we must integrate the research and the experiences of the peasants; The old dry and spring periods are altered and it is urgent to prepare, said the Cuban President, who was accompanied at the meeting by Salvador Valdes Mesa, First Vice President of State Councils and Ministers

have taken notice of the efforts made province to compensate for the damage generated in institutions, bridges, roads, in the 19 thousand 159 homes damaged by Irma and in the 861 affected by heavy rains, also called to devote time and resources to drainage systems of all kinds

He pointed out that now there were floods in cities and sites in cities where they had not occurred before, so he insisted on the fact. urgency to pay special attention to the constructive maintenance of bridges and factories. they can badimilate the expenses of water.

In the exchange, in which José Ramón Monteagudo R also participated Uiz, a member of the Central Committee, and Deivy Pérez Martín, promoted first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in the province, Díaz-Canel Bermúdez said that Here the capacity of the territory to cope with these situations and to stay informed

Despite the efforts made today, problems related to vital sectors such as tobacco production, fishing, housing and the roads persist, to which he also insisted to follow and promote projects of integral development.

Teresita Romero Rodríguez, president of the Provincial Assembly of People's Power, pointed out that after the torrential downpours, the water supply of the population was stable and that the electrical and communication services were restored; while bridges, roads and culverts continue to be damaged.

Speaking of homes damaged by Hurricane Irma, Romero Rodríguez said that although 76.2% have been recovered today, it is expected that by the end of this year Similarly, he claimed that the work continues to restore the two bridges of the city of Zaza del Medio, one of them collapsed on May 28 by The strong flood of the river Zaza , and said that serious damage persists in the road that connects the mountain communities of El Pedrero and Gavilanes, development areas where Ernesto Che Guevara developed his theater of operations at the end of the National Liberation War. As part of his working visit to the province of Sancti Spíritus, the Cuban president arrived this Friday in different areas of three municipalities of Sancti Spiritus who received the after heavy rains and traded with producers and locals. (ACN) (Photo: PL)

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