Cuban voices in favor and against equal marriage


Activists broadcast in networks of other posters where they defend a plural, inclusive and non-stereotyped vision of the concept of family.

Photo: Taken on social networks

Havana, July 19th. The posters of Christian churches in public spaces in the rejection of marriage equal to Cuba, have fueled the debate on the subject in social networks, among renewed calls to increase activism to defend this human right.

To this was added a day of fasting and distribution of Bibles in the population Rampa habanera, an action conducted on July 14 by members of the Methodist Church, who confirmed their refusal that the current process Magna Carta (1976) considers the possibility of the same. Alternative media have reported replicas of these actions in the eastern provinces of Guantanamo and Holguin, and even occasionally in the Pinar de Río [19659005] Another poster shared in the networks in favor of this human right.

Photo: Taken Social Networks

Messages are also shared on social networks on the Internet against the possible approval of equal marriage in Cuba, to which activists responded with inclusive messages.

In badyzing the fact, the activist Yadiel Cepero argued, on July 17, that "the church knows to whom it must send its message (…) Each of its actions (statement, threat walk, meeting, poster display, distribution of bibles …) sends signals to #EstadoCubano who decides. "

He adds that, by his actions," they create a precedent and they become attractive to the alternative media.The officers do not even talk about the issue. "

The young founder of the civic initiative" Building an agenda of badual diversity in Cuba "acknowledged that going out and measuring forces with the 39, church in a secular state, such as In the case of Cuba, "it would be to enter his game".

Therefore, he recommended directing the actions to the state, to the only legal communist party and leader of Cuba, to the National Assembly of People's Power (Anpp) The official or alternative communication and the different sectors of Cuban society.

Cepero pointed out that "the best answer that the state and the Anpp (unicameral parliament) could give to these actions is to publish a #ReformaConstitucionalCuba project that includes the demands of the # citizenLGBTIQ."

It all started on June 28, when representatives of the Assemblies of God of the Evangelical Pentecostal Church, Baptist Conventions of the West and East, of the Evangelical League of Cuba and of the Methodist Church in Cuba, the facsimile of an official statement circulated on the Internet

In the document, Christian denominations emphasized that "the family is a divine institution created by God and the marriage is exclusively the union of One Like the teachings of the Bible, the man and the woman. "

Similarly, religious leaders badured that they would postpone their proposal to march to defend their claim.

[1945] 9017] Citizen Proposals

Activists in favor of the full recognition of the badual and reproductive rights of the LGBTIQ collective that they pronounced quickly and in addition to describing facts that are discriminatory and prejudicial to human dignity, they have recommended some initiatives in response.

For example, through the Change .org platform, Javier Enrique Pérez launched a petition to Anpp, urging him to "promote the visibility of the LGBTIQ collective in or of Cuban society and its needs" in the heat of constitutional reform.

He added in his application that it is "the right time to adapt and update the island's legislation at the present time, always protected at first consider badual rights as rights of the man. "

One of the posters placed in a public space to defend an old and conservative vision of the marriage and the family.

Photo: Drawn from social networks

activist Isbel Díaz also said that "in the face of this hate speech, we want to respond with love, beauty, humor, joy and strength."

That's why he called "all people with a very original family, to send us mail [email protected], a photo showing the power of diversity."

Let's even leave LGBTIQ tags. We are talking about homoparental families, sisters' families, friends who share an apartment, families created in work and / or creative centers, grandmother families with grandchildren, Papa-nene families Very original, argued

Next, the editorial board of Cuba Cuba shares other comments about it:

Manuel Vázquez Seijido: "In this scenario, we have to to be extremely intelligent and very competent, we can not fall into provocations, I propose to articulate ourselves in a process that will come after the presentation in the Anpp of the draft constitutional reform: we must participate to diff "

Marta María Ramírez: " I ask the Cuban State and Department of Religious Affairs of the State Council to respond to these public manifestations of homolebotransphobia. The freedom of others ends where others begin.

Arlen Regueiro : "This will be a difficult debate … a battle where the Cuban LGBTIQ community will have the obligation to close the ranks to face all the power of religious extremism and fascist thought of those times. Our moment is now. We must respond to this challenge without allowing ourselves to be provoked, without reaching extremes that could be punishable. The first thing is not to shut up. "

Yosvanys Fonseca: " It's already too much! Even children catch them to make homophobic propaganda and incite hatred. The Cuban institutions remain silent and we remain very slow compared to the force that seizes the campaign of these demons. "

Michel G. Núñez: " It looks like a scene from the oldest medieval obscurantism. I do not understand that these lords promote the rights of others. I do not understand this Christian love. I hope that in Cuba, the separation of church and state is very clear and that decisions like equal marriage are not subject to religious texts. (2018)

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