Cubans commemorate Revolutionary Martyrs Day


Cubans commemorate today the Day of the Martyrs of the Revolution, a date chosen to honor those who died in the struggle for liberation that began on October 10, 1868.

July 30 1896 he fell fighting against Spanish colonialism General Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso, who was the youngest officer of the Liberation Army.

At only 29 years old he held this military rank for his brilliant service record in the defense of the country.

According to historical notes, another 30 July, but from 1957, savagely murdered in Santiago de Cuba, Frank País and his combat partner, Raúl Pujol.

So the leader of action and sabotage of the 26th movement was lost. Julio, and at the same time one of his most outstanding fighters whose integrity, intelligence and courage have earned him the admiration of all who surround him.

Country organized the November 30th uprising in Santiago de Cuba and n support to Granma Yacht Expeditionaries, who landed on December 2, 1956 near the beach of Las Coloradas.

Upon hearing of Frank's death, the leader of the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro, called him "the most Frank is replaced as head of the action and sabotage of the M-26-7 René Ramos Latour

This revolutionary was a close collaborator of Frank and had an outstanding career both in the underground struggle as Column commander-in-chief in the Sierra Maestra.

René Ramos Latour falls in fighting at El Jobal, Sierra Maestra, on July 30, 1958, just after one year badbadination of Frank País

Another outstanding fighter from Mayarí, province of Holguín, who fell on July 30, 1967 in Bolivia, as a member of the Commander Ernesto Che Guevara's guerrilla, was captain José María Martínez Ta.

In the Second Eastern Front, he was known as Papi, then Mbili or Chinchu in Congo and Ricardo in 39. Bolivian exploit

Before, in Argentina, he collaborated with the dice Jorge Ricardo Masetti's stain in the mountains

In all these scenarios, he was "an extraordinary fighter", as he called Che in his "Diario de Campaña" in Bolivia.

Every July 30, the day of the martyrs of the Cuban Revolution, the people pay homage to men like these, and to all who have fallen for the same ideal.

Radio Angulo recalls that on July 30, 1959, in a meeting with the parents of the martyrs of the Revolution, in the city of Santiago de Cuba, the Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro declared that this date was chosen because this Day symbolized the sacrifices made by the people to conquer their freedom.

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