Cubans participate in the International Film Festival in Gibara | news


Since last Sunday, the Cuban people have enjoyed the celebration of the XIV Gibara International Film Festival (Eastern Cuba), in which more than 40 audiovisual projects are participating, grouped in the categories of fiction, documentaries, cinema in the construction industry, 39, animation and video art

The event, which will end this Saturday, is devoted to childhood and adolescence and pays tribute to its creator, the famous filmmaker Cuban Humberto Solás (1941-2008). the film competition, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the island, the Cuban Institute of Arts and Cinematographic Industry (ICAIC) and the governments of the municipality of Gibara as well as that of the province which contains it, Holguín, participate in fiction feature films, South Africa, Netherlands, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Spain, United States, Uruguay and Cuba.

XIVth International Film Festival of #Gibara in #Cuba with more than 40 works in competition attracts actors such as Benicio del Toro and Demian Bichir and Cuban musicians Silvio Rodríguez , Pancho Céspedes and Argentinian Fito Páez.

– Rolando Segura (@rolandoteleSUR) July 3, 2018

The event brings together important international guests, including the actor and Puerto Rican producer Benicio del Toro, Spanish director Félix Viscarret, and Argentinian musician Fito Páez, who will be in charge of the closing concert of the festival

At the opening of the Gibara festival, Lucia prizes were awarded to three outstanding Cuban artists, among the filmmaker Enrique Pineda Barnet, and the actors Mirtha Ibarra and Salvador Wood, an award that highlights an important career dedicated to the seventh art.

In addition to good cinema, this meeting allows them to meet, with filmmakers, other artistic events such as dance, theater and the visual arts, in addition to becoming the theater of theoretical discussions about town planning, architecture and history.

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