Cultural Gala in the Cristo de La Habana


In greeting on July 26, Day of National Rebellion, Voice of the Revolution, which make up the National Academy of Mariana Gonich, led by the maestro Hugo Oslé, will offer this July 24 at 6 am in Christ from Havana his concert applauded Fidel is Cuba

According to Dr. Eusebio Leal Spengler, listening to the National Academy of Mariana Gonitch, is an act of faith and veneration of the Motherland.

The Academia Nacional de Canto Mariana Gonich promotes new lyrical singing talents on the island and is named after the internationally renowned Russian soprano and pedagogue, who has lived a large part of her life in Cuba.

Interpret pieces such as The Rosa Blanca, The Lupe, The Clave of Martí, Girón, The Victoria, as well as clbadics of the popular Latin American repertoire and other continents.

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