Daddy Yankee and Kim Viera promise to shave with "Como"


Daddy Yankee still seems to have an badet in his sleeve. The Puerto Rican, who can not stand still, surprised the world with a fresh and perfect proposal for this summer at the hands of Kim Viera a talented singer with a great musical career ahead of him.

Two artists, of Puerto Rican roots, published this anthem to these origins which is titled as and comes with video clip included.

With this message announced the Big Boss the first of theme that is already available on digital platforms:

"When I heard the voice of Kim Viera while I was in the studio, I was shocked, I did not know who it was but the love of the art called me working with him " , confesses the Puerto Rican and the impressive result that we can already hear.

The young singer, with only 15 thousand followers on Instagram, conquered the representative of the urban genre with his great talent and his voice, and is not even unless

"You can do very good hits with artists who are just starting out, I've always been in favor of recording with new talent and it's the music that's talking, "concludes L & # 39; ;artist. published a few minutes ago.

Kim Viera became a real celebrity on the Internet after her cover of Diamonds by Rihanna became viral in 2012. Since then, the artist born in the Bronx worked on his solo career.

A journey through the music that brought it, no more and no less, to a collaboration with Daddy Yankee, which means that we are facing badured success.

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