Dairy exports increased in Uruguay in the first half


July 10, 2018, 09:01 Montevideo, July 10 (Prensa Latina) Dairy exports have increased by 6% in Uruguay in the last six months compared to the same period in the year last, reported today Ricardo Izaguirre. President of the National Institute of Milk (Inale).

We had a year of better production with a 10 percent increase over 2017 and some products achieved better prices than we had, said the executive in statements to Izaguirre explained that the prices were increasing "not as we wanted", but at least we were seeing the stability of the markets, which is "very important for us".

Uruguay, he said, exports more than 70 percent of the milk and said the stability of market conditions is very important because the imbalances "complicate us a lot".

He pointed out that his country with New Zealand and Australia, devote their largest production volumes to export, making the conditions of instability difficult for the producers.

The director of Inale said that at this time, the average price of export products exceeded three thousand dollars.

He acknowledged that Southern Common Market countries such as Venezuela and Brazil are normally the markets with the largest Uruguayan dairy product placement.

Although this year he decreased his purchases and Algeria became an important market

He commented that the appreciation of the price of oil in the world has a positive impact on the economy. The economy of these countries and, consequently, its greater presence in the markets.

mem / jcd

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