Damian Chazelle's "First Man" will open the Venice Film Festival


Roma.- The film First Man, directed by Damian Chazelle ("The Land") and starring Ryan Gosling, will be responsible for the opening of the Venice Film Festival.

First man, in which Gosling plays Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon in 1969, will be screened on August 29 as one of the films competing for the Golden Lion.

"The Announcement of the First The world premiere of the film is happening on the eve of the 49th anniversary of the landing of Apollo 11 on the Moon," said festival director, Alberto Barbera, in a

very personal, original and captivating, wonderfully unexpected in the context of current epic films. "

Venice hosts the world's oldest film festival, created in 1932, and usually combines Hollywood blockbusters with movies d & # 39; authors. Its 75th edition will be held from August 29 to September 8. The organizers will announce the full program of the festival on July 25th.

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