Decreased for the first time in 2018, Food Price Index, FAO


July 5, 2018, 08:46 Rome, July 5 (PL) For the first time in 2018, the FAO International Food Price Index declined in June, reported Agency today.

In his report for the sixth month of the year, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, recorded that the food price index had an average of 173.7 points, which means 2.4 points (1.3%) below the May level, the first decline from one month to the next since the beginning of the year; year.

Despite the general deterioration in production prospects in June, wheat prices have declined and maize, with trends similar to those seen in most commodities.

This was due, the United Nations specialized agency, to a weakening of the markets because of the growing tensions in international trade relations.

Instead, the price of rice rose because of the supply restriction that supported the rise in the price of Japonica and flavorings, which more than offset the decline in Indica rice prices .

Vegetable oils, on the other hand, decreased their prices Three per cent in the same comparative period, the decrease for the fifth consecutive month which puts it at its lowest level in the last 29 months and which summarizes the decreases in palm, soy and sunflower oils.

they were also affected in June with a 0.9% drop in their prices compared to May, mainly by cheese, which offset the increase in skimmed milk powder, while the butter and Whole milk powder remained stable.

According to the FAO, greater exportable availability in the United States and the European Union has lowered cheese prices, while persistent import demand supports price increases skimmed milk powder was recorded

The meat increased by only 0.3% compared to May, but compared to June 2017, it was 3.3%. more while sugar also saw its price rise by 1.2 percent, the first growth after six consecutive months of decline, according to the FAO.

This increase in candy prices responded "mainly to concerns about the outlook for sugar production in Brazil", the world's largest producer and exporter, because of drought and "information on increased use of sugar cane". sugar for the production of ethanol-based fuels. "

pgh / smp

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