Detect a neutrino at 3.7 billion light-years


It is in the constellation of Orion, according to a study published in the journal Science

"This identification sets in motion the new field of high-energy neutrino astronomy, which we hopefully, will generate advances in our understanding of the universe and fundamental physics, including how and where these high-energy particles are produced, "said Doug Cowen, Penn State University of Pennsylvania (States -United).

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The neutrino in question, identified as IceCube-170922A, was located by the IceCube Antarctic detector on September 22 2017 and had an energy of 300 trillion electron volts

For decades, astronomers have sought to detect high energy cosmic neutrinos to learn where and how these subatomic particles are generated. They have an energy thousands to millions of times greater than that obtained by the Large Hadron Collider, the largest particle accelerator in the world.

The main challenge in the detection of these neutrinos and the study of their sources, according to the authors, they interact "very weakly" with the material

The IceCube detector has made the first detection of cosmic neutrinos of high energy in 2013 and started distributing new neutrino alerts in April 2016.

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" These warnings stimulated an impressive series of follow-up observations, but not interesting sources, until IceCube-170922A appeared, "Derek Fox, another of the leading researchers, pointed out

Detection regular neutrinos, elementary particles of very small mbad, similar to that of the electron, and destitute. of the electrical charge, triggered an automated sequence of X-ray and ultraviolet observations by NASA's Neil Gehrels Swift observatory and thirteen other centers.

With a new badysis of the entire IceCube team data for this region from the sky, these observations provide "solid evidence" that the neutrino was generated by a supermbadive black hole at 3 700 million light-years from Earth, known astronomers under the name TXS 0506 + 056.

"For 20 years, one of our dreams was to identify the sources of cosmic neutrinos of high energy, and it looks like we have finally succeeded, "said Cowen.

In addition to Cowen and Fox, researcher Azadeh Keivani, also from the same American university, played an important role. important role in this finding


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