Dialogue in Cuba on a press model necessary for socialism


The delegates of the X Congress of the Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC) will speak today in this capital of the press model necessary for socialism on the island.

Such debates will occupy the center of the end-of-the-day agenda, dedicated to the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, at the 55th anniversary of the UPEC (founded on 15 July 1963) and Antonio Moltó, president of the badociation who died in August 2017.

The members mainly discuss the contributions of Cuban journalism to the implementation of a new communication policy.

In introducing the topic, UPEC National Committee member Raúl Garcés mentioned several of the challenges of this process. among them, those of management, innovation and credibility in the media.

Garcés, also dean of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Havana, reminded the erpo of the objectives and principles "does not magically solve the problems sometimes accumulated historically and with a cultural sediment".

However, he baderted that "in the case of Cuba, amid all past and present threats, it is an opportunity to give socialism a modern, participatory, innovative and irrevocably democratic face

According to Marino Murillo, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, who accompanied the journalists in their debates, it will not be easy to put into practice all the elements of the approved policy. [19659003] Among other things, he mentioned the difficulty of measuring the indicators to evaluate the application, and if we are not clear, the implementation could be delayed, he said.

He also mentioned the relevance of conducting a training and information process on communication policy in all state institutions.journalists also discussed amendments to the statutes of the UEPC and its code of dice. ontology, and approved the badysis of these in the base delegations and then guide the national committee for its implementation.

They also elected the presidency of They expressed their opinions on the rights and duties, the journalistic work and the guarantees for the effective exercise of the profession

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