Diaz-Canel examines a plan to deal with climate change


  Climate change, Díaz-Canel

Díaz-Canel chaired the meeting, which insisted that one of the most vulnerable sectors is the food industry.

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel participated this Friday in a meeting to check the plan for the climate change confrontation in the country, known as Task Life.

According to a national television report, the meeting insisted that one of the most vulnerable sectors is the food industry, as its infrastructure can be seriously affected by events such as heavy rains , drought, coastal degradation and sea level rise.

According to the first vice minister of food industry, Luis Orlando Paz, thirty fishing establishments are very sensitive to damage, eight of them would suffer very significant impacts.

In addition, the technological backwardness of industrial facilities causes excessive use of water and the generation of higher levels of waste, which, not being treated properly, cause significant damage to the environment. 39; environment.

The Ministry of Industry is called to reverse this state, says the TV report. 19659005] During the meeting, experiments were also presented from the province of Pinar del Río, a territory on the western tip of the island traditionally affected by hurricanes and other extreme events. There, it was decided to give priority to seven municipalities through Task Life.

Six beaches with advanced erosion have also been identified and the process of relocating coastal communities likely to be affected by climate change has begun. called to deal with the socio-economic impact that this decision could have on the inhabitants.

On the other hand, President Díaz-Canel was informed of the progress of the historical memory conservation program

. , learned that the Cuban Institute of Art and Cinema is working to save the cinematic heritage preserved by its vaults, heavily damaged during the decade of the 90s.

Today, there is storage conditions necessary to retain thousands of works of art. national and foreign cinematography, together with the photographic archives, are revitalized.

Digitization is also carried out as part of the work, a task that is carried out with its own efforts and international collaboration.

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