Diaz-Canel expresses condolences to the people and government of Japan


Cuban President sends his deepest condolences to the Japanese government and people for the loss of human lives

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez expresses regret for the deaths and damage caused by the worst disaster Meteorological report of the last 30 years in Japan, said the Cuban Embbady to the Japanese nation.

The Cuban Head of State expressed his sincere condolences to the Japanese Government and people for the loss of life and property damage caused by the official data indicate that 201 people have died, more than 30 are still missing, 160 houses were totally destroyed, 700 others suffered structural damage and more than 25 thousand were flooded in 31 of the 47 prefectures of the Asian nation.

Thousands of money continue to be deployed by self-defense forces, police and firefighters for the work of rescue and search for the missing.

At the same time, thousands of volunteers arrived Saturday in affected areas to support reconstruction efforts. [19659003ThePrimeMinister'sGovernmentShinzoAbannouncedthathewasgoingtodothesefloodsandrolledoutoftheextraordinaryjusticesystemwhichwillmakeitdifficultforvictimstobenefitfromsomebadistancemeasures

Prensa Latina

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