Diaz-Canel receives the Prime Minister of Dominica


Diaz-Canel receives the Prime Minister of Dominica

  Diaz-Canel receives the Prime Minister of Dominica

By: RCM Drafting

Cuba's President, Miguel Diaz-Canel, today received the Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit, with whom he discussed topics on the bilateral and regional agenda [19659004]. the relations between the two countries are in good condition

Skerrit reiterated the gratitude of the people and the government of Dominica for the Cuban cooperation, in particular the help offered by the rescuers, doctors, builders and specialists of the recovery after the pbadage of Hurricane Maria

For its part, Díaz-Canel ratified the desire of the largest in the West Indies to continue to support Dominica


: Editorial Board of the MRC

of the Radio Ciudad del Mar website

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