Director of INE does not believe that the double bonus affects companies


The director of the National Institute of Statistics (INE), Santiago Farjat, said yesterday that the double bonus, estimated to be paid this year, will not affect companies and will not generate unemployment in the country, thus distorting the concern expressed by private entrepreneurs and some sectors of workers about the negative impact of this advantage on productive units and the already decelerated economy.

"I do not think the double bonus, at any time, affects companies, I think it's very well designed in that if we develop more than 4.5 percent of companies have the ability to pay, "said Farjat in an interview with the program El Pueblo es Noticia, aired by the state media.

Although the government has already taken for granted that this year the country will grow above 4.5% and so it should be paying the double bonus, left the INE the final data. The technical statistical entity will deliver in October next the official figures on the increase in GDP this year, from which the payment of the benefit will be confirmed or not, this was confirmed yesterday by Farjat in the # 39; interview.

argued that the double bonus is a policy that inherently has a redistributive logic that is part of the country's productive social-communal economic model.

"According to the statistics of the INE, when the double bonus was paid, On the contrary, he notes that if we observe economic statistics, we see a strong representation of double bonus policy in the economy of sectors and economic activities in the country 19659002] "He considers that this advantage is closely linked to the dynamism of the companies. I do not consider that the double bonus is a factor that affects the work, "he insisted.

In recent days, the Central Labor Department (COD) of Chuquisaca oppose Central Obrera Boliviana the payment of the second bonuses, considering that the profit is disadvantageous for companies, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, and thus for workers

In agreement with the businessmen, they consider that this policy should be studied.

The president of the business sector Bolivia 's private sector, Ronald Nostas, also regretted the irresponsible treatment of the issue by the government, which anticipated and badured without definitive figures the payment of the l'. advantage, generating a lot of uncertainty and concern

41% of the country's working population is salaried. 48.9% is not salaried and 10% is unpaid, Farjat said.


According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), provided yesterday by its director, Santiago Farjat, the sale of food (gastronomy) and trade are the activities job generators in the country, followed by the manufacturing industry and accommodation.

Farjat believes that this shows the dynamics and plurality of our economy and "the increase in the quality of life that has been made in the country."

According to the director of INE, housing and food increased by 16 to 17 percent, a fact that is seen in "crowded food places" and through these generates about a half -million jobs, although he recognizes that the trade is "very fluctuating" "

He badured that the country has the lowest unemployment rate in the region of Latin America in the urban area.

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