Displaced people in Ethiopia need $ 120 million in emergency


July 21, 2018, 00:00 Addis Ababa, July 21 (Prensa Latina) The Ethiopian government and agencies deployed in the field have urgently requested the arrival of the $ 120 million to respond to the humanitarian crisis caused by forced displacement.

After several calls for increased foreign aid, only 20% of the $ 160 million originally requested was received, making deployment more and more difficult. supplies, detailed a statement from the Office of Communication Affairs.

Without the required amount, it will be impossible to adequately deal with the context, adds the text.

In an area already affected by drought and drought. Food insecurity before escalating intercommunity conflicts, the need for supplies, clean water and health services is now more urgent than ever.

Violent clashes between communities On the border between the state of Oromia and the southern region, at least 970,000 people have been forced to leave their homes since April, said the International Organization for Migration (IOM)

. in recent times, to reach a million 600,000.

agp / rrj

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