Distinguish schools and prominent educators during the school year that ends


  Distinguish schools and prominent educators during the school year that ends

Several educators and study centers were encouraged at the end of course event. (TIME21 PHOTO / Angeluis).

Majibacoa, Las Tunas.- The municipalities of Puerto Padre, Jesús Menéndez and Majibacoa received the status of fully presented in the 2017-2018 school year that has just ended, for their contributions in the development of the process

This transcended into the provincial act of closure of the academic calendar, developed in the semi-combat Combat of Arroyo El muerto, reference center of primary education in this municipality.

Several educators here have been recognized for his dedication to the formation of the new man, and two young people have earned the vanguard condition: Leo Dan Rodríguez Pérez and Yunia Gómez Carralero

Marbelis Iglesias Pozo and Galia Santiesteban Crespo were encouraged with the condition of exemplary educators and nine schools they were highlighted in the process of educational teaching.

For their valuable contribution to the development of the educational process, vocational guidance and the training of future professionals have been recognized by the University of Las Tunas, as well as by the provincial school transport company and the palace Puerto Padre pioneers, for their support of educational activities.

emphasized the work of the faculty of the Melton Almaguer Joint Center, in the municipality of Jesús Menéndez, a school that got 100% approval during the first exam session for the year. admission to higher education.

Eighteen educators from Majibacoa received Distinction for Cuban Education, Medal José Tey and the Order of the Second Degree of Frank Country

This year the Order of the First Order Frank País was awarded to Tania Couso Camareno, Methodologist of the Provincial Directorate of Education with over 40 years dedicated to the improvement of the Cuban education system and with several participations in national and international events

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