Dominican Republic affected by the remains of the storm Beryl


July 10, 2018, 14:45 Santo Domingo, Jul 10 (PL) In the Dominican Republic, the weather conditions badociated with the pbadage of the remains of the storm Beryl have affected the electrical infrastructure and air transport National, local media reported today

According to the Hoy Digital newspaper, due to heavy rains, many areas have stopped operating, which has also extinguished the traffic lights of major roads in the capital and the paralyzed traffic.

average, there are more than 200 thousand people with problems of energy supply after the rain.

Meanwhile, the El Día newspaper reported that weather conditions caused several airport delays and the hijacking of two Latin American flights. International of Las Américas of this capital.

The vessels landed in the Punta Cana terminal in the eastern part of the country, said

The country's emergency operations center reported that 22 provinces are in a state of emergency. alert, including three in red (maximum category), including Santo Domingo, for possible rapid urban and rural floods, river floods, water courses and gullies, as well as landslides.

The agency reported 50 homes affected, two destroyed, and 35 displaced by showers caused by Beryl.

For its part, the National Meteorological Office reported that during the next 24 to 36 hours, there will continue to be showers, thunderstorms, gusts of wind with a higher incidence in the regions of east, north-east, south-east and center, but less in the south-west

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