Donald Trump apologizes to Theresa May


They promise to reach an agreement

LONDON (EFE) .- The President of the United States, Donald Trump, and the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, showed yesterday a mutual willingness to reach an ambitious trade deal after the "brexit" ", after overcoming their differences by an attack by the New York tycoon on how they faced the exit of the European Union (EU).

The day began hectic for the first time, who after entertaining Trump with a sumptuous dinner In the palace that saw Winston Churchill born, he did not expect to push in the form of an interview that his guest had given him in the pages of the tabloid "The Sun".

"There will be no commercial deal with the UK May goes ahead with its plan to 39; a "brexit", said the president in the interview, shortly after, ending up retracting and s & # 39; To apologize to the Prime Minister.

The meeting that the two leaders held in The Checkers Campaign Residence (South East English) served to reconcile positions and, in a joint press conference they offered at the end they offered an image of unity and understanding.

Trump said that for his government the British executive compared to the "brexit", while Theresa May pointed out that the US has agreed to pursue an ambitious trade deal once the United Kingdom Kingdom leaves the EU.

Trump has not spared the praise of the conservative leader, qualified as "an excellent woman", although she also opined that Boris Johnson, who resigned in disagreement with the government's "Brexit" strategy, "would be a great prime minister."

On the interview, Trump apologized saying that he had said a lot of good things "about Theresa May who did not appear in the headlines of the tabloid and the prime minister downplayed the question saying that "this is only the press

Common Problems

In addition, the President said that he and the conservative leader agreed on the need to stop the development of weapons nuclear weapons by Iran, strengthen cooperation in defense and the importance of controlling immigration to stop terrorism.

After the fruitful meeting, the president moved with his wife, Melania, to Windsor Castle, where their other big meeting of the day, Queen Elizabeth II, was waiting for them

. The marriage took place with the monarch, who received a dozen presidents of the United States in his reign of more than half a century, nearly an hour when they were considering a military parade and shared a traditional English tea.

Forty kilometers from this idyllic image, thousands of people gathered in Trafalgar Square shouting, "Say it loud and clear, Donald Trump is not welcome here."


Mobilization, convened by the platform Together Against Trump, gathered, according to the organization, about 100,000 people, provided with placards, protest shirts, whistles and cocottes were l '. one of the most numerous demonstrations since 2003 against the war in Iraq.

In addition, the London Women's March platform counted 50,000 people yesterday in an anti-Trump march that visited central London, while the giant balloon of a "baby Trump "layered" rose in front of the London Parliament for two hours. the euphoria of the crowd gathered.

But not only in the capital of the demonstrations were recorded, but throughout the United Kingdom, in cities like Belfast (Northern Ireland) or Glasgow (Scotland), people took to the streets. as a sign of rejection of the presence of the tycoon.

Precisely to this Scottish city where the Republican leader and his wife moved yesterday to culminate, Soldier, his visit to the United Kingdom

A weekend without an official agenda, which should take place at golf, but also expected events.

On Monday, the president will travel to Helsinki to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin, including a meeting, as he said yesterday, "surprising things can come out".

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