Dra Po faces a million-dollar claim from his ex-girlfriend: How much do you ask?


The case manager's case closes his privacy under seven keys, but the claim that his former partner initiated, has confirmed rumors about his long relationship with a woman.

This time Ana María Polo must be on the other side. The popular host of Caso Cerrado, one of the most watched Spanish language shows, faces a millionaire lawsuit against it. The news was announced by the co-founder of Caso Cerrado since what is disputed is the property of the name of the program.

According to reports, the claim amounts to more than $ 2 million and was submitted by program producer Marlene Key, former partner of Dra Polo. "At the time she was sick, (Polo) everything went to Marlene Key: the program, the badets, etc.," they explained. The lawsuit was based on the apparent illegal use of the name, whose registration was left to Marlene and the extraction of more than half a million dollars from an account.

But here the case does not end, because when this difference is made public between the ex-couple, Ana María Polo had to face, for the first time, versions that claimed to have maintained a liaison with a woman for 25 years, which she had denied or omitted during all these years.

the Telemundo television network could end its link with the program in order to avoid future conflicts of interest

An open affair that will keep Dra Polo in abeyance.

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