Drake puts Spotify in trouble for pervasive advertising | News from El Salvador


Rapper Drake's latest album, "Scorpion", will become the production with the best debut up here this year, and perhaps thanks to the excessive publicity that Spotify has given to the release.

The "streaming" platform is at the heart of a controversy for putting Drake images in hundreds of playlist covers, even in those where it should not be, such as "Best of British" or "Best of British" Successes of Spain "(The rapper is Canadian

In one day, Spotify users have listened to the 25 songs of the album more than 132 million times, according to the SpotifyCharts data

They protested publicly against the service, and some of them even ask to be reimbursed because they pay not to receive advertising, as for the free service.

Another of Collateral damage against Spotify would be in the image.Mergence of the Swedish multinational in front of its users, which seems to have priority for multi-million dollar campaigns like Drake, before the election and data protection of the auditors [19659002] "Scorpion" includes songs from Jay-Z and an unpublished piece of Michael Jackson, as well as hits "God's Plan" and "Nice for What".

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