Dwayne Johnson is the highest paid actor in history



Forbes magazine as every year, published the list of the 100 highest-paid celebrities of 2018 and Dwayne The Rock Johnson ] has been crowned the highest paid Hollywood actor of all time. His fortune has grown this year to the incredible figure of 124 million dollars (about 106 million euros).

The Rock was able to double the $ 65 million that he earned in 2017, a figure by which Forbes ranked him 22nd, below Metallica.

The money that the international star raised comes not only from its participation in film productions, since Johnson has negotiated a seven-figure salary to publish the content.

The protagonist of Fast and Furious reacted to the news on his official Instagram account: "I worked extremely hard but never imagined (not even in my best dreams ) that I would become the highest paid actor in the history of Forbes, "he tweeted.

"My goal when I was fighting in flea markets for 40 turkeys For the fight is still exactly the same as I have today, ALWAYS put my first hearing," continues the tweet. says his boss is "the world" and adds that if the spectators "go home happy" he will have done his job well.

The actor, who started with just "seven dollars" in his pockets after leaving the Canadian Soccer League in 1995 became an international star after his first big-screen appearance with The Scorpion King in 2002.

Since then, he has participated in authentic blockbusters such as Fast and Furious, & # 39; Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle & # 39; or # GI Joe: Revenge.In addition, he gave a voice to the character of Maui in the Disney Moana movie .The latest production in which he participated as a protagonist is the film "El skyscraper", currently in theaters. [19659006] hch

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