EasyJet takes children's books on their flights to promote reading – 07/12/2018


The British Low Cost Company today launched the "Flybraries" initiative, with the aim of promoting reading in children.

After the campaign of the European summer season last year, where 7,000 children's books written in English were distributed among the 147 aircraft of its fleet, the company decided this year to expand its offer.

  An Easyjet plane lands in Berlin. REUTERS / Victoria Bryan

An Easyjet plane lands in Berlin. REUTERS / Victoria Bryan

EasyJet will make available to its travelers over 17,500 copies of great clbadics of children's literature that will be available in 300 aircraft and translated into seven European languages ​​ "Peter Pan", "The Book of the Jungle" or "Alice in Wonderland" will be some of the titles that children will enjoy.

The company has also set up an online platform where some books can be downloaded for free and participate in a writing contest.

According to a study conducted by the airline, nearly two in five (38%) parents confess that his son has less than ten pounds at home.

"Reading is very important for the development of a child's vocabulary and imagination, so we believe that a flight is the perfect opportunity for the little ones. I know "The crisis of Cubana de Aviación: from advanced airline to have no plane and suspend almost all flights" src = "https: //images.clarin.com/collections/static/lazy_square.svg "data-big =" https://images.clarin.com/2018/07/06/H10EVUpMQ_290x290__1.jpg "data-small =" https: // images.clarin.com/2018/07/06/H10EVUpMQ_110x110__1.jpg ” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

The initiative was supported by the British NGO National Literary Trust which, in the words of its director, Jonathan Douglas, believes that "putting books in the hands of the children and helping them to discovering the pleasure of reading can lead to a more successful future. "


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