Eclipse and "moon of blood" show the world


Berlin.- The longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century could be appreciated yesterday in half the world: Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia and some parts from South America. But in East Africa and Southern Africa, the Middle East and India have been better seen.

The total eclipse lasted one hour and 43 minutes, while the partial phase of the phenomenon lasted about six hours, which in the longest eclipse of the century. This time will be exceeded on June 9, 2123, by which time the event will last two more minutes.

According to astronomers, the total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon's path, full, intersects that of the Earth. So our planet covers the sunlight, eclipsing the moon.

However, this time the satellite did not disappear from the sky, but presented a reddish color, which led to a phenomenon known as the "blood moon".

"The moon normally acquires a deep dark red color because it is illuminated by light that has pbaded through the earth's atmosphere and has been sent to the moon by refraction," says the Royal British Observatory .

] In Latin America, the event could only be seen partially in the East, in cities like Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

The scenario was also conducive to the appreciation of Mars. The planet has appeared larger and brighter than normal because it is aligned with the Sun and the Earth, only about 58 million kilometers from the latter, a proximity that occurs only every 15 years.

Thousands admire him. In all the countries concerned, activities were organized to observe the eclipse, Mars and the "blood moon".

Near Lake Magadi, southwest of Nairobi, a couple, Susan Muraban and Chu Owen, set up their own telescope. the neighbors will admire the show.

"We have already done it during the solar eclipse of 2016," said Susan, 39. On this occasion, 300 members of the local community, mostly indigenous Masai, attended.

In Tunisia, more than 2 thousand people gathered in the Cité des Sciences to admire the eclipse

. Dorset County, England, where it was troubled by thick clouds, as happened in a good part of Europe. "It's disappointing," said 67-year-old Tish Adams. "I took some pictures, but there was nothing more than a little trail in the sky."

In Brazil, citizens filled the main beaches of the country to observe the eclipse. In addition, in this country it was possible to enjoy Jupiter, Saturn and Venus without the help of telescopes. In Argentina, however, the cloudy sky prevented it.

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