Ecuador and Peru will strengthen binational markets


Quito, Jul 11 ​​(Prensa Latina) The Government of Ecuador is preparing today to strengthen its international markets with Peru, through the I Business Roundtable between suppliers and commercial channels , to be held on July 19th.
The appointment, planned in Piura, in the neighboring nation, emerges as a first experience to strengthen business ties between the two countries, confirmed the Ministry of Industry and Productivity.

According to a press release issued by the portfolio, the initiative stems from the commitments made at the presidential meeting and the 11th Binational Cabinet held in the city of Trujillo in October 2017.

On this occasion, on proposal of the head of the ministry, Eva García Fabre, They proposed challenges to strengthen the border integration in the axis productive and investment, through actions that generate bilateral markets.

"The goal is to establish new markets, 15 Ecuadorian companies will have the opportunity to sell their products to major commercial chains in Peru," said Vicente Torres, Zone Coordinator of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Industries. and productivity.

At the Business Roundtable, I attended the Second Binational Fair "Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship", which will run from July 20 to 22 and will allow artisans and entrepreneurs to promote, exhibit and market their products.

The fair will host 50 Ecuadorian and Peruvian exhibitors, with exhibits of processed foods, beverages, technology, shoes and products of the textile and handicraft sector.

In its first edition, held in 2017, this commercial showcase has left an average business figure of 15 thousand dollars, a figure that the organizers aspire to doubling the day of the sema next

tjj / scm

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