Ecuador seeks pre-trial detention against Correa due to kidnapping


Ecuador will ask Interpol for the arrest and extradition of former president Rafael Correa, after failing to appear before the Court of Justice in Quito as a precaution after being linked to the case of attempted kidnapping of the ex-ambbadador Fernando Balda .

Judge Daniella Camacho accepted the request of the state Attorney General, Paúl Pérez, and ordered his pre-trial detention for the purpose of investigation. In addition to a request to Interpol to locate Correa, who has been living in Belgium with his family since last year, for the purpose of extradition.

Faced with this situation, the Latin American exmandatarios expressed their support for Correa.

"Correa Solidarity: A new offensive full of infamy and slander is unleashed against President Rafael Correa" Manuel Zelaya, former president of Honduras, overthrown by a coup d'etat in 2009, said in his Twitter account.

In addition, the former Honduran governor said that "with the people of Honduras and Latin America" ​​strongly condemns this hunt and its perpetrators, "said the Honduran exmandatario

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva prisoner for corruption, denounced that the Ecuadorian exmandatario is "victim of the judiciarization of politics" and badured that "justice will expire" # solidaridadCORREA A new offensive full of infamy and slander is unleashed against President Rafael Correa.With the people of Honduras and Latin America, he strongly condemned this farm and its perpetrators. : //

– Manuel Zelaya R. (@manuelzr) July 3, 2018

Lula, imprisoned since April for pbadive bribery, transmitted his solidarity to Correa through a letter reproduced on his Twitter account, in which he criticized the attit ude of "certain judges" who wanted to disqualify them.

"Comrade @MashiRafael, I learned that you too, as absurdly as me, are being victimized by the politics, in which some judges want to disqualify us as political leaders," Lula said. through his Twitter account.

I send you minha solidariedade, @MashiRafael com a segurança of a justiça finally, we will triumph over our countries democratically or in the future of our countries and l & # 39; 39, Latin America, Great Abraço

– Lula (@LulaOficial) 4 July 2018

The Bolivian President, Evo Morales rejected the request for imprisonment against the 39, former Ecuadorian Rafael Correa and denounced an alleged "interference" of the United States in this application.

"We reject the request of the Ecuadorian Prosecutor's Office for preventive detention against the former president of this country, Fr. @MashiRafael ", was written on Twitter

We reject the request of the Ecuadorian Prosecutor's Office for preventive detention against the former president of this country, Brother @MashiRafael . We denounce the politicization of Ecuadorian justice and the interference of # EEA with the intention of imprisoning an innocent person. We are with you Brother Correa Venceremos

– Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) July 4, 2018

He also denounced an alleged "politicization of Ecuadorian justice and American interference" , in that he considered an attempt to "imprison an innocent person".

For his part, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro expressed his solidarity with Correa, calling at the same time for the end of the "persecution against genuine rulers".

"First Cristina, then Lula, now Rafael Correa, stop the persecution against the authentic rulers of our America, the Bolivarian Revolution expresses its solidarity with the people of Ecuador and @MashiRafael (Rafael Correa) "] Maduro declared through his Twitter account

On June 18, Camacho ordered the Ecuadorian Exmandatario to appear before the National Court of Justice on July 2 and rejected the defense's request for What Made at the Embbady of Ecuador in Belgium.

On this, Correa appeared at the Ecuadorian consulate in Belgium, protected by his lawyers under diplomatic settlements. Balda requested his pre-trial detention, also supported by the Office of the Prosecutor for failing to comply with an express order of the judge.

The former Ecuadorian President responded that this arrest warrant was part of a political "conspiracy" known since

In which is his first reaction to the decision, Correa Tuesday recalled a Twitter message of November 10, 2017 in which Balda has advanced his arrest.

"Balda has already announced in November that there were court proceedings that would order me to capture Interpol, I guess or part of a plot, to make your wagers, in the next few hours I will send a video through the networks, until the victory still! "said the former president by the same social network.

In a previous message, he had already denounced the so-called "outrage" committed by the judicial system, a "handpicked tax" and a "link without proof"

"¿S How many will this farce be international? Do not worry, everything is a matter of time.We will win! ", he wrote when he felt the outcome of the court.

His lawyer, Caupolicán Ochoa, who had requested the hearing today to replace the original measures and request that Correa be able to appear in Brussels, regretted the decision. Judge and says that he will appeal.

He noted with surprise the "speed" in the judge's performance and did not hesitate to say that "the process was violated, the due process was violated, was replenished"

" It is not justice, but revenge, here it is not a matter of enforcing the procedure, but of complying with the orders, "he said at the end of the meeting. 39, hearing, without specifying who

Ochoa also challenged the Attorney General for not having officially taken office at the moment

Prosecutor Perez, making a comment to the press on the Current state of Correa, recalled that the President has "a precautionary measure of preventive detention" and stated that Correa has the right to appear before the process to defend himself.

But he said that if for some reason he does not do so, then the figure of "fugitive of justice. "

On June 18, the exmandatario was linked to the attempted kidnapping of Balda, a case already tried in Colombia and that occurred on the night of August 13, 2012, when he was approached by five people, four men and a woman, who was violently put into a vehicle

Balda was rescued by Colombian police after an hour and a half, thanks to the call of 39, a taxi driver.

The kidnapping attempt that was and is a fervent opponent of Correa is interpreted by the relatives of the ex-president as an instrument of his detractors to execute a supposed revenge for the policies that hurt them during his ten years in power, between 2007 and 2017

Andean parliamentarian Rosa Cárdenas pointed his accusing finger at the current government of Lenin Moreno, a former Correa and now the One of its political rivals.

The decision Judiciary is "a clear proof of the judiciarization of politics", Cárdenas felt and called on the people to be indignant against "a maladministration which, unhappy to take all the powers of the state, is unleashed against the popular leaders, "he said on Twitter

. that "justice has begun to be done in an exemplary manner" because of his abduction, and that it is only the beginning.

"We received this moment with great maturity, with a lot of responsibility. And as we have announced, there must be justice for all the crimes of state committed during the correísmo, "he declared at the end of the hearing.

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