Ecuadorian Pita conducts flying goal modality in Venezuela's Vuelta


Quito, July 10 (Andes) .- The tricolor cyclist of the Ecuadorian team Cristian Pita currently leads the flying goal modality in the 55th edition of the Vuelta a Venezuela, having completed six stages, reported Wednesday. only the Ecuadorian continental team.

The sixth day, played between the cities of Ospino, Nirgua and San Vicente with a distance of 215.70 kilometers, gave good results for the national team, since it kept the direction of the flying goals and also places a rider In the first three of the competition, the Venezuelan Anderson Paredes

Finished the sixth fraction, Cristian Pita continues as the fastest of the Llanera round, followed by the local rider Simón Marín (Castilla Idermi Bicycles). The imbabureño adds 31 points against the 21 that to the Venezuelan.

The great performance of Pita in all stages also allows him, with 67 units, to be up to now the leader of the general clbadification by points.

For his part, Anderson Paredes is the best rider of the Ecuadorian team in the overall standings, placing himself in the third box, 1 minute 44 seconds behind the leader, the Italian Mateo Spreafico (Androni Giocattoli Sidermec), which totals 22 hours, 35 minutes and 55 seconds.

Read also: Cyclists of the Ecuadorian team, among the best of the Vuelta in Venezuela

Up to now, the team Movistar Ecuador is second in the Entire team, only surpbaded by the local square Miranda Trek Government.

Regarding the fraction of this Tuesday, again all the cyclists of the Ecuadorian team were protagonists, and after more than 200 kilometers On his side, Paredes finished in fifth place, Steven Haro in the ninth and Byron Guamá in eleventh place. The winner was Yurgen Ramírez (Venezuela País Futuro), with a time of 5 hours and 24 minutes

This Wednesday will be a special for packers for the stage plan, which will take place between the cities of Nirgua and Morón Moro, on a road of 100 kilometers.

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