Egypt to inaugurate the largest wind power station in the Middle East


July 23, 2018, 10:04 Cairo, July 23 (Prensa Latina) The Ministry of Electricity of Egypt announced today that preparations have been completed to inaugurate the largest wind farm in the Middle East. 19659002] The modern facility required a budget of 12 billion Egyptian pounds (about $ 670 million) for its construction and is located in the Jabal al-Zeit region in the east of the country.

Consists of three administrative buildings, including the control room building, designed with the latest international standards and advanced technology to allow staff to control all turbines at the same time and connect them to the national power grid .

The 100 square kilometer extension includes 290 wind turbines to establish a total capacity of 580 megawatts, with a production rate of two megawatts per turbine.

As a new element, the factory is equipped with a migratory bird monitoring system across the radar to stop the turbines when they pbad and then run again, a technology that is used for the first time in the world.

The location of the resort is also one of the best sites on the entire planet for investment in wind energy projects.

The wind speed is between 12 and 33 meters per second and the surface is flat, without curves or rocks.

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