Eight arrested in protest at the house of President JPMorgan – El Masacre.com


NEW YORK (EFE) .- Eight people were arrested today during a demonstration in New York in front of the house of JPMorgan Chase's president, Jamie Dimon, to demand that this company stops investing and financing Organizations that organize detention centers for immigrants, said social organizations.

A hundred people demonstrated in front of Dimon's house and rang the recordings of children who mourn their parents while they remain in detention centers. detention, noted the organization Make the Road New York in a statement

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Protesters, among those who were members of organizations such as New [19459003York Communities for Change and the Center for Popular Democracy, among others, have also attempted to issue more than 100,000 signatures and letters in support of this claim.

Prisons and their Wall Street funders benefit from policies that increase arrests, separate families and cause irreparable damage to immigrant children, "complained Ana María Archila, co-executive director of Center for Popular Democracy, Communiqué

For its part, Sonia Medrano, immigrant leader of New York Communities for Change, considers that Dimon "can not pretend to defend immigrants" and "s & # 39; to oppose the separation of at the same time as it finances companies that create and operate private detention centers. "

The demonstration is part of the" Corporate Backers of Hate "campaign led by various organizations that promoted similar mobilizations in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut.


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