Electrical service, with more complaints


Faced with the high cost of electricity in Panama system users believe that a good service is not provided, so they interpose the larger number of claims of utilities before the regulator.


83% of the total requests correspond to the electricity service

10% of the requests correspond to the service of drinking water.

7% correspond to the demands of the telecommunications sector, According to information from the Asep

the Public Utilities Authority ( Asep) holds up to 1 622 claims, including 1,346 in the service of electricity 168 drinking water and 108 against the telecommunication service.

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83% of the total complaints corresponds to the service of electricity

Among the main causes figure high supply request, damage to electrical devices due to voltage changes, among other claims.

The supplier West Metro (Edemet) has the highest number of claims with 1,011, Elektra Noreste (Ensa) records 27 claims and Chiriquí SA 63.

The Asep only indicates in his report that 1,029 of the total electricity claims have been resolved and 317 are ongoing, although it does not specify in favor of whom they were resolved.

Pedro Acosta, representative of users and consumers, pointed out that the process is very delayed, since the user must first file the application with the company and then, depending on the response of the same, if not satisfied, has the opportunity to claim before the regulator, which in this case is Asep.

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