Electrification with photovoltaic panels benefits rural Camagüey families


  Electrification with photovoltaic panels benefits rural families in Camagüey. "Title =" Electrification with photovoltaic panels benefits rural families in Camagüey. "Style =" float: left; margin: 1px 2px; border-radius: 5px; padding: 3px; border: 1px solid gray; "/> Camagüey, July 26.- The electrification of the rural area, with the installation of solar panels, benefits more than 1,400 families from complex communities in this province, the largest and flat in Cuba </p>
<p>  Juan Carlos Lacaba Jofre, a specialist in renewable energy sources at the Camagüey Electric Company, pointed out that the new technology can provide up to 250 watts to each property, also contributed to the development of new energy sources. electrification of remote farms dedicated to agricultural work and breeding in 11 municipalities </p>
<p>  The expert explained that these are homes where electricity could not reach, because of its location. </p>
<p>  The new service, subsidized by the Cuban State, allows to connect up to five LED lamps, a TV or other equipment that does not exceed the production capacity of the panel, which is composed of two batteries that my hold their charge for 14 hours. </p>
<p>  They also highlight In the province, three photovoltaic parks synchronized with the National Electric Power System, located in Guáimaro – with an installed capacity of 1.6 megawatts (MW) -, the capital of the country. Agramontina (1.2 MW) and Imías, Sierra de Cubitas, with a capacity of 2.2 MW generation in the solar peak. </p>
<p>  The installation in Camagüey of photovoltaic systems gives continuity to the implementation of the Guidelines of economic and social policy approved in congresses VI and VII of the Communist Party of Cuba, in correspondence with the Cuban socialist project </p>
<p>  The purpose of the above-mentioned program is to improve the quality of life of the rural population and to promote the economic development of strategic areas. </p>
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