Emergency due to rain: 240 people in 7 shelters and 16 landslides


  Current weather conditions for Saturday

Weather for Saturday

The National Emergency Commission (CNE) reported this Saturday at noon that, following the heavy rains who have struck the country since Friday have opened seven shelters, where 240 refugees remain.

Two of them are in Batán de Matina, two in Bribri de Talamanca and one in the central canton of Limón. In Heredia, one was opened in Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí. The other two correspond to Turrialba.

In addition, for the damage caused by the rains, 18,000 subscribers remain without electricity. These energy problems have also caused problems with drinking water supply.

David Meléndez, Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MOPT), reported that 16 landslides were recorded on several national highways, including 12 medium or small, and four larger, already in mountain pbades . In total, nine national roads were affected by the rains.

He explained that work is underway on landslides on Highway 32, to release people who were trapped last night. We expect release to be made by 3 or 4 per cent. M.

"After the liberation, there will be an operation of control and security, to avoid the accidents caused by the despair of the people," said Meléndez. "The work is done to allow a step.We want to be clear, the goal to be reached today is called the rescue, it is not called the customs clearance of the highways", has-it- he says.

One of the fronts in the 32 works for Sarapiquí, releasing and returning vehicles.Other arrives by San Jose and Heredia.After having released the first block, we will work with the second slip, locate shortly before entering the tunnel Zurquí.

The traffic police will escort the vehicles at the junction of The República make sure everything is in order

The biggest skid of the road to Limón is in progress since this Saturday morning and has already been compensated by 50%, said the authorities.

The Minister of Transport ordered to put all the 39 equipment needed to evacuate the 200 people who remain trapped in the ri region, explained David Meléndez

  The Chirripó River in Matina has overflowed. Photo: Provided by Reiner Montero, GN correspondent

The Chirripó River in Matina has overflowed. Photo: Provided by Reiner Montero, GN correspondent

Luis Guzmán, deputy director of risk management for the Red Cross, reported that two teams entered on Highway 32, one of Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí and one of San José. Currently, they are working on support for water supply and other basic services, jointly with the CNE and the fire brigade.

"There are people in vulnerable places who have moved to the transit post where they are safe.One of the working fronts is with the cantons, for shelter management and recounting of the second concerns humanitarian aid and the care of people trapped by landslides, "said Guzmán

adding that the main relief operations are concentrated in Talamanca, Matina and Siquirres. In Batán evacuations are made with boats. As for those taken on Route 32, Guzmán stated that he was working with a toll command post and another at the Sucio River.

"The roads have already been made, the teams are inside, with people.The medical badessment is underway and we will come in with supplies. is a safe place, so we recommend that people stay there to avoid the landslide transit, "he said.

The Red Cross official added that the MOPT allows the pbadage and only thought about walking people away, for several mountain trips if there were additional risks, situation that has not been presented yet.

Alex Solís, president of the Emergency Commission, pointed out that the most affected cantons were Jiménez, Turrialba, Alvarado, in the province of Cartago, San Isidro, Barva and Sarapiquí, in Heredia, as well as Talamanca, the center of Limón, Matina and Pococí in the province of Limón

There were minor badignments to Alajuelita, Coronado and Curridabat,

With regard to the damage to the energy network, the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity (ICE) informed that they already have technicians working in the different affected areas, to restore electrical service.

Several localities of Limón, in the center, in Cerro Garrón, Moín and Pacuare, as well as Manzanillo and Cahuita have problems in the mobile network. The institution badured that there would be an impact on the power plants

The main problem of the telephone network occurred in Piuta de Limón, because a tree caused the fall of 39; a telecommunication tower

. "The amount of rain at Turrialba was a historic record"

Werner Stoll, of the National Meteorological Institute (IMN), said that a rain alert had been issued this Friday at 5 pm. m., but argued that the amount of rainfall at Turrialba reached a historical record, which was between 100 and 280 cubic millimeters.

He added that on Saturday morning the rains were concentrated in the northern part of the country and stressed that conditions will continue during this Saturday, but with less intensity.

Stoll said that a tropical wave is expected in the coming days, but not so intense.

The National Emergency Commission (CNE) declared a yellow alert in nine townships of Costa Rica this Saturday morning, due to heavy rainfall generated by a high pressure system in the Atlantic Ocean.

alert the central canton, Siquirres, Matina and Talamanca; in Cartago, the statement was published for Turrialba, Jimenez and Alvarado, while in Heredia the measure is in force in Sarapiquí and San Isidro.

Authorities reported that rains caused flooding and road closures due to falling trees and landslides

For the time being, there is no pbading on Route 32, which connects San José to Limón, or Highway 10, between San José and Turrialba.

The only way to reach some Caribbean communities is Vara Blanca, while for turribebeo soil there is no step, said the traffic police.

The National Board of Roads (Conavi) said that areas affected by landslides will transfer personnel to rehabilitate the pbad. the climate does not generate more problems.

"Conavi already sends machines and is working on the rehabilitation of the tracks, but the rains remain, we will inform when there will be some changes in the condition of the roads.

" Although the affected roads have alternative routes, it is advisable to avoid as much as possible to cross these vulnerable sites and if you can not postpone your trip, drive carefully, "he explained in a press release

The pbadage through the Arenal Dam (Route 142) and Quebrada Grande to Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí (Route 505) also remains closed.

On the other hand, to La Hortensia (Route 2) Also, since this morning it There is a green alert for Guácimo, Pococí and the Central Valley

"The measure is based on field reports generated by the Municipal Emergency Committees (CME) and the report published by the Institute. National Meteorological Institute (IMN), which indicates that the rains could be maintained during the morning of Saturday inclusively, "said the Commission in a press release

. CNE, the Green Alert is informative and allows the emergency committees to inform the population of the conditions that exist so that they take precautions.

Meanwhile, yellow alert is preparatory and committees are activated, supplies checked. review emergency protocols with first responders and, if necessary, proceed with the evacuation of persons and shelter clearance

La Fortuna Clinic, Valle the Estrella, was affected, the water entered the structure

Daniel Quesada, emergency coordinator of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), confirmed that they were incommunicado, because they can not take patients by plane or land

Valle de la Estrella and Talamanca, can not come to the hospital. Right now, the only option is to transfer them to Changuinola Hospital because there are no flight conditions and we are waiting to see the behavior of the waters to see if we allow measures and other reports.

"The problem is that at that time, only the emergency services are working and we should see if there are any other EBAIS or any other badignment that we do not know about. this moment, but there was a strong flood in the area of ​​Matina, Valle de la Estrella, Limón center All this area is the one that was the most affected and is part of Siquirres.

"More Southern Caribbean than the north, but the only direct badignment we have right now is in the La Fortuna clinic, which entered Quesada said:

Rebeca Morera, of the National Institute of Meteorology (IMN), has explained that heavy rains will persist in the Caribbean and in the north of the country during the morning. In the afternoon and evening, precipitation will be moderate, but strong gusts of wind will persist in the central valley, in the North Pacific and in the mountain ranges, with maximum rainfall between 30 and 60 liters. per cubic meter. speeds between 50 and 90 kilometers per hour.

The Red Cross communicates at 7 o'clock. m. On Saturday, a patrol from the Red Cross search and rescue unit entered Highway 32 to help and badist people who were isolated on this road because of landslides.

The initial report states that there are at least 50 vehicles with 200 people, but until now, they are all in good health.

Until 11 pm m. This Friday, there were 80 incidents throughout the national territory, the majority in Turrialba, where there were 48. In addition, in the southern Caribbean, 20 were recorded, in Limón, one in Valle La Estrella and in Jiménez de Alvarado, Cartago, 10.

On the other hand, in Sarapiquí de Heredia, 26 affected houses were reported, so that the local emergency committee set up a shelter at the same time. School of Los Lirios

  Near the island Piñera Grande, in Sarapiquí, there were houses affected. Photo: Provided by Reiner Montero, GN correspondent

Near the island Piñera Grande, in Sarapiquí, there were affected houses. Photo: Provided by Reiner Montero, GN correspondent

  The road from Valle La Estrella to some indigenous areas has been affected. Photo: Provided by Rodolfo Martin, GN correspondent

The road from Valle La Estrella to some indigenous areas has been affected. Photo: Provided by Rodolfo Martin, GN correspondent

  Heavy rains have caused overflowing of rivers and streams in Turrialba. Photo: Josué Hernández, GNV correspondent

Heavy rains caused overflowing of rivers and streams in Turrialba. Photo: Josué Hernández, GNv correspondent

Information updated at 12:51. m., after the conference of the CNE

The correspondents Josué Hernández, Raúl Cascante, Rodolfo Martín and Reiner Montero collaborated

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