ENDE delivers an electricity project in La Paz


On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of La Paz, ENDE Corporación inaugurated the project "Mazocruz-Pallina transmission line" and "Bajo Contour substation", which is part of the third section of the future network 230 kV surrounding and supplying the cities of La Paz and El Alto

The first two sections correspond to the Palca-Cumbre and Palca-Mazocruz 230 kV lines, commissioned respectively in 2015 and 2016.

the bypbad substation of Bajo, located in the city of Viacha, was attended by the Minister of Energy, Rafael Alarcón, the national authorities, local movements, social movements, workers and leaders of the company ENDE

. days the main owners of lostiempos.com directly by mail.

This project will improve the reliability and quality of power supply, as well as the availability announcement of greater power in the northern area of ​​the National Interconnected System (NAS), to La Paz.

Industrial Zones of Viacha, Kallutaca Industrial Park, Coro Coro Mine, Municipalities of Desaguadero, Laja, Tiahuanaco, Jesús de Machaca, Caquiaviri, Viacha, Southwestern part of the city of El Alto.


For the second half of 2018, the construction of the 115 kV sub-transmission line will be connected to the Bajo Contour substation with the Viacha Soboce substations. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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