England and Croatia are named in semi-final


Distilled emotions up to the last penalty imposed by Ivan Rakitic and a Fish Sochi fish makes a real madhouse.

Distilled emotions up to the last penalty imposed by Ivan Rakitic and a sand fish Sochi makes a real madhouse. These impressions have left the game between Croatia and Russian hosts in the quarterfinal epilogue, set in favor of Croatians in criminal 4-3, after hugging two on the scoreboard.

The duel was played power in power, with Croats showing greater quality and controlling the ball in the midfield, covered in the Modric-Rakitic pair; and the inhabitants are waiting for a breach to start against, with Cheryshev and Dzyuba as artillery referents.

From vertigo, the first 15 minutes of the game can be qualified, with coming and going, balls filtered by the bands, offensive speed as a currency. Rakitic could have taken it from the edge of the box, but his free-kick went to Akinfeev.

Quiet happened in the future but by the 30th again Dennis Chershev appeared. The Villareal spent a decent game that grows with football in the genes took a left cross that meant the 1-0 partial. Subasic was launched, but nothing could be done.

Croatia launched for equality and found it in a counterattack. Mandzukic, as he usually does in Italy, overflowed left, served a dream ball to Kramaric, and his head scored a hug.

Thus the meeting was held, which saw the consummation of the settlement with a war of physics and attrition in which the Croats turned to the offensive, generating opportunities that did not materialize.

Extra time began and with it the gods were ready to reward the Balkans, when the trial of life found an expeditious way in the middle of a sea of ​​legs. It was 99, but the drama still had a lot to give.

The nationalized Brazilian Mario Fernandes was instructed to return the shot, also putting the second parity with his head, having nested the center by the right that Dzagoev put him.

The culmination of the supreme tension came with the penalties: Subasic stopped a sweet Smolov, Akinfeev did the same with Kovacic, and Rakitic put the sentence.

Really, he won the best eleven, the highest quality, Croatia. On the other hand, Russia says goodbye, as an excellent hostess, reaching an instance that she had never dared to cherish as a country. The most cherished memory dates back to 1986, as the Soviet Union disappeared.

England leaves no room for doubt

It is England with France, the only country still alive that knows what it is to lift the Cup FIFA World Cup. With this philosophy, true to their usual approaches, and with a talented generation of players came out to liquidate the clash against the rocky Swedes.

Really rocky the duel behaved, there were no cracks, the Swedes multiplied, maintaining their blocking pattern. Until defenseman Maguire nails a header above the turn, claiming his 1.94 meters, in his fifth act with the national team.

Sweden does everything in its power, makes use of its resources, which are not many, the ones it has … However, the Rose Lions are superior, they are gaining speed, they play with more precision, with Dele Ali, Lingard, Kane and Sterling as nightmares.

Ali himself puts the second, winning the back of their markers and nodding at a center drawn from the right edge of the zone.

They find themselves with the semifinals after 28 years of absence at this instance, when in 1990 they succumbed to penalty shoot-outs against Germany.

The English had never nested in the World Cups with two heads, and the Swedes had never received them.

Special Mention for Pickford. The English goalkeeper made three medullary saves, which could have changed the tonic to the match.

On the opposite, Forsberg, genius and creative brain of the Nordics, did not show the level exhibited by him in the eighths and said goodbye with a greyish image of performance. The Swedes, on the other hand, have really arrived where their resources allowed. The palms for them, that without owning a generation like that of Henrik Larsson and company they arrived until where they gave to him their virtues, without surprising in excess to its gunboat Slatan Ibrahimovic.

The delicacy of the semi-finals is served to the rhythm of France-Belgium and England-Croatia. In my modest essay, I should lift the cup that emerges victorious between the Gauls and the Red Devils.

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