Erdogan says the Turkish economy is doing well and the currency will recover – Diario Digital Our Country


S Addressing journalists accompanying him on his flight to Azerbaijan, the chief's first trip after swearing this week for his second term, Erdogan defended his decision to appoint by Decree Berat Albayrak, his son-in-law, in front of the Trésor et Economie portfolio, for his "experience" in the sector.

The President reacts thus to the skepticism that this appointment has unleashed in the financial world, accentuated by the fact that the head of state will be The Turkish lira, which has weakened for months, reacted on Monday with further declines, a trend that she maintained during the week, accumulating until Thursday a loss of about 6%.

This morning, the dollar was brought down to 4.85 Turkish pounds, a historic lows for the Eurasian currency.

Meanwhile, the euro has become more expensive for Turks from 5.38 to 5.61 li.

"Turkey is on the right track," Erdogan was quoted by the daily Hürriyet as saying that loans given by international creditors to Turkish investors were a sign of confidence in the country. Turkish economy. "For example, the funding needed to build the" Bridge of March 18 "(on the Dardanelles Strait) was received from abroad," he said.

According to badysts, the fact that Albayrak badumed financial management -financiera of the country that runs the finance and economy portfolios, now merged into one ministry, caused concern in the sector, which adds to that caused by doubts about the future independence of the Central Bank.

pbaded, Erdogan often criticized the high interest rates set by the Central Bank, considering that they have increased unemployment, and in the election campaign said that he had l? intention to exercise control May About an appreciation of the Turkish lira, Erdogan announced today a decline in interest rates

"Our Minister of Finance and Finance the economy will do the right thing.We have a lot of instruments to use.I think we will also see a decline in interest rates.I am sure.Not only the state banks but also our private banks will take their responsibilities, "said the president in the plane.

Albayrak, on the other hand, emerged today from dominant skepticism and badured that the independence of the Central Bank is guaranteed. The establishment of a "very influential central bank, as has never been the case, is one of the priorities of our new policies," he said at the time. semi-public Anadolu agency

. a single-digit inflation rate, structural reforms and sustainable growth.

Erdogan and Albayrak attributed the weakening of the reading to "foreign forces." Window EFE

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