Evacuation of the inhabitants of two cities besieged by rebels in Syria – 19/07/2018


All residents of Fua and Kafraya, two government locations besieged for three years by rebel forces in northwestern Syria, were evacuated, said Thursday at the Observatory Syrian human rights (OSDH)

Fua and Kafraya, the last two localities besieged in Syria, mainly Shiites, remained empty "after the evacuation of 6900 people, civilians and pro-regime fighters, "said the OSDH.

The operation, which began Wednesday, took place after an agreement between Russia, an ally of the Syrian government, and Turkey, which supports the rebels

The evacuations affected all the inhabitants of the two cities, who will be transferred to the territories controlled by the government in the neighboring province of Aleppo, according to the 39; OSDH. . It would be about about 6,900 people, between civilians and combatants.

  Map of Syria locating the cities of Fua and Kafraya in the province of Idlib. (AFP)

Map of Syria locating the cities of Fua and Kafraya in the province of Idlib. (AFP)

As part of the agreement, 1,500 detainees will be released by the regime of Bachar Al Asad.

The province of Idlib, where Fua and Kafraya are, is almost entirely surrounded by regime-controlled territory. According to the Observatory, the agreement also states that the province will not undergo an official military offensive.

The website of two localities began in 2015, when rebels and jihadists invaded Idlib, cutting off food and food supplies. The UN and the Syrian Red Crescent have been providing humanitarian aid to residents in synchronous reciprocal operations with two nearby Damascus cities besieged by the regime, Zabadani and Madaya.

  In 2017, an evacuation operation suffered a suicide bombing, with the death of 150 residents of both places. (AFP)

In 2017, an evacuation operation suffered a suicide bombing, with the death of 150 residents of both localities. (AFP)

In April 2017, during an evacuation operation, 150 residents of Fua and Kafraya, including 72 children, died on the road during a suicide bombing [19659015]. The buses left the two localities very slowly, escorted by the fighters of Hayat Tahrir al Sham, ex-Syrian arm of al-Qaeda.

Source: AFP

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