Excellent day for Cuban athletes in Spain


Juan Miguel Echevarría Cuban Jumping

The Cuban long jump Juan Miguel Echevarría conquered the title at the International Athletics Rally based in Guadalajara, Spain, where he expanded to eight meters with 37 centimeters.

] Echevarría secured the title, far removed from the German Maximilian Entholzner, who finished in second place, while the Brazilian Lucas Dos Santos completed the podium to be placed in third place.

Also Cuban disciple Yaimé Pérez won the gold medal at the meeting itself, where he maintained his competitive stability with a record of 65 meters and 42 centimeters.

Perez, fourth finalist at the last two world championships, achieved his best result on the third try, while he was escorted to the podium by Brazilian Fernanda Borges and Denia Caballero, world champion there are three years old, finished in third place

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